AutoComplete from phpguru.org
Phpguru autocomplete
A Javascript library which provides an autocomplete dropdown which you can attach to one or more form inputs (typically text inputs, or textareas). It functions the same as the Internet Explorer autocomplete dropdown, and works on MSIE, and Firefox (tested on IE6, 5.5 & 5 and Firefox 1.0.1).
WICK AutoComplete
WICK AutoComplete demo

This is WICK, the Web Input Completion Kit, an evolving framework that leverages web standards such as JavaScript, DOM and CSS to facilitate textual input in form UI elements assisted by local and remote data sources. This framework strives to remain unobtrusive and preserve a form's semantics and accessibility.

Script.aculo.us Autocompleter
Script.aculo.us demo version

Easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly. It's an add-on to the Prototype framework. Autocompleting text fields with this library is very easy.

BComplete Autosuggest Script
Bcomplete java script solution
BComplete is an autocomplete (or auto-suggest, perhaps) script for web applications, similar to what Google and Yahoo employ in some of their online programs.

Autocompletition by Wiseguysonly
Autocompletion with AJAX
Ajax autocompletion for the impatient. Making input fields that attempt to second guess what your user is typing based on live data. This is the PHP mix, but it is presented out-of-depth enough to make it easily extensible into the language of your choice (e.g. ASP, ColdFusion, Perl, Ruby etc).

Autocomplete control from Momche
Autocomplete control with dropdown
To use this script the INPUT field's tag, which will be autocompleted should have an attribute autocomplete. Tested with: IE 5+, Mozilla (NS 6,7)

AutoSuggest: An AJAX auto-complete text field
AutoSuggest text field
The AutoSuggest class adds a popdown menu of suggested values to a text field. The user can either click directly on a suggestion to enter it into the field, or navigate the list using the up and down arrow keys, selecting a value using the tab key. The values for the suggestion list are to provided as XML (by a PHP script, or similar).

Ajax dynamic list
Ajax dynamic list script
This script shows you a list of options based on what you type into a text input. Example: Type in "A" and Ajax will get you a list of all contries starting with "A".

An attempt at a simple method for javascript-based suggestion dropdowns for autocompletion. Text input fields with customized automatic completion have lots of great uses. This script is an attempt at providing a solution to the problem that is clear and modular enough to be easily hacked up and modified for other uses.

XMLHttpRequest Autocomplete
Type the first few letters of an english word in the text field and pause for a second. You can use the arrow keys and mouse to navigate the list of suggestions. Tab, enter, or clicking will replace the contents of the text field with the selected entry from the list.

GMail-style text completion for text input elements
This implementation works for recent versions of Mozilla, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Simply type a character or two. After a (customisable) delay, a remote database will be queried for suitable completions, these completions will be presented to you in a drop-down style box. Make your selection with the Up/Down keys followed by Enter.

Nitobi AJAX components demo
The Ultimate Ajax-powered Autocomplete Solution. Featuring six unique search modes with support for multiple platforms and browsers. Perform paging, suggestive searching, and fuzzy-searching in an easy-to-implement interface.

Capxous framework
Capxous javascript framework
The most elegant AJAX autocomplete component in community User types in text field. JavaScript makes the retrieval URL then sends an AJAX request. JavaScript shows suggestion list received from the server side.

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