JS Calendar from Dynarch

Open-source javaScript calendar. Look is customizable through external CSS; translated into many languages; allows multiple days selection. Fast and very easy to setup.
Open-source javaScript calendar. Look is customizable through external CSS; translated into many languages; allows multiple days selection. Fast and very easy to setup.
jCalendar by Ted SerbinskyInline dynamic calendar built with jQuery. It originally started off based on the great jQuery date picker by Kelvin Luck but has quickly morphed into its own code base. jCalendar v0.5 can be used with 3 form selects (one for day, month, and year) to visually select a specific date for input.
jQuery UI DatepickerProject gained traction in late 2006, when it was first released. Now the project has well over 35 customization options and counting. The datepicker is also in around 30 languages, showing its adoption worldwide.
jQuery date picker plug-inA flexible unobtrusive calendar component for jQuery. Change the date format and first day of the week displayed for the date picker, select multiply dates, control the look and behaviour of the rendered calendar. You can also use this script as two date pickers together so that the date selected in one influences the dates that can be selected in the other. More than 10 demos available for this script.
Epoch DHTML CalendarChange the date format and first day of the week displayed for the date picker, select multiply dates, control the look and behaviour of the rendered calendar. You can also use this script as two date pickers together so that the date selected in one influences the dates that can be selected in the other.
Dynamic Date SelectorA visually attractive dynamic date selector for form input fields. When the user clicks on a input field, the calendar will pop to let the user easily select a date value to enter. Script tested and works on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera.
Events CalendarAn Events Calendar script that, along with the current month calendar, displays important events for specific dates. Click on a relevant date, and a description of the event associated with it is shown. The events are stored in an external .js file. This script is compatible in both IE and Firebox.
Popup date pickerMake it easy for your visitors to fill out the date/time field(s) of your form, by selecting this info from a popup calendar.
Form button calendarThis is an elaborate calendar script that uses form buttons to constuct each date entry. Works in all browsers, even NS6.
Calender script with today timeThe below script will display a calender showing the date and time of today. Simple cut&paste install with one portion of code.
CalendarXPGood-looking, if not the best, javascript calendar or datepicker without the pain of javascript. Simple to start with, while powerful enough to meet any sophisticated requirement, even driven by XML. All-purpose and extremely perfect for plain HTML, ASP, ASP.Net, JSP, PHP and ColdFusion.
Zapatec Javascript CalendarThe Zapatec Javascript Calendar is a feature-full, cross browser compatible, calendar. Use the calendar in pop-up mode, as a date picker, or in flat mode to display different events.
Rich CalendarCross-browser, 100% JavaScript calendar script implementing the appropriate functionality with many advanced options widely extending fields of its applications. Rich Calendar works in IE, Mozilla-based browsers such as Firefox, Opera 9+, and Safari 3.0. Integrated with Smart Grid (Ajax-based table editing tool).
NoGray Calendar ComponentThere are tons of features in this calendar package, such as: create any numbers of months per calendar; set the weekend, days off, holidays (dates off), start day of the week; start and end date; multi selection with limits or without; skinnable (using CSS); can have any number of calendars in any page; optimized for best performance.
DatePickerControl by Hugo Ortega-HernandezLayered calendar, without annoying pop-up windows, compatible with any server-side language. Supports mouse and keyboard navigation. LGPL License.
Javascript calendar widget from CodetaleThis calendar can be used as a date picker or date display. Can be used in as many instances as you want, with some handy options. In strict mode, the calendar has the date selection limited, to a certain period defined in days. In loose mode, the calendar has the date selection unlimited. You can choose the returned date format, as well as how the date should be filled back: full date in one input, or multiple inputs.
Javascript Datepicker controlThe DatePicker lets users easily select valid dates from a dropdown calendar. No need to worry about date formats, by picking dates it's always correct. Allowed input formats are: American mm/dd/yyyy (12/31/2003), European dd.mm.yyyy (31.12.2003) and ISO yyyy-mm-dd (2003-12-31). Supports skins, the style and colors can be highly customized by color names and/or css classes.
Tigra CalendarTigra Calendar is a free JavaScript Calendar control that makes it easy for the website users to fill out the date/time fields by selecting the date from a popup calendar. Script saves the time for those internet/intranet developers who need intuitive, easy to use cross-browser client-side date or timestamp input control. Tigra Calendar works with any browser that supports DOM (Document Object Model). The script is free for any applications.
Simple Calendar Widget by Anthony GarrettThis flexible, simple pop-up calendar is written to work across browsers. It's fully commented and customisable for language, colours and date format. The pop-up displays a month at a time from a specified range of years. The optional input date determines the initial month displayed. The year can be in two or four digits while the month can be digits or a month name abbreviation that can easily be set up for any language. Any date or day of the week can be disabled (and re-enabled) using JavaScript on the calling page. This is ideal for combination with server-side technologies to produce a professional application.
Javascript Event CalendarJavascript only, runs on any website and is cross browser compatable. Object oriented with property based design. Customizable CSS based layouts and themes, with over a dozen themes provided for you. You can quickly create recurring, holiday and special events. Supports XML data format events. Includes an event editor to assist creating events.
CodeThatCalendarCodeThat's Java Script date and time selectable calendar control helps making such a date or time selection the interactive process also helps making the design of the calendar to be the part of the web site appearance. You can select one of three work modes:
1. The calendar appears in a separate window that is being shown when user clicks the button or performs another action.
2. The calendar is displayed on the page as part of its design.
3. iFrame calendar mode (pull down calendar). Calendar is dropped down within the frame on the window.
Basic Calender from Brian GosselinThis is just a basic calender which simply sits on your page. Adjust the month and year by clicking the arrow buttons. All the settings such as colors and fonts are controlled entirely by cascading stylesheets, so you can easily adopt it to any webpage.
DHTML Calender from Brian GosselinInput for the calender is taken from a text box and output from the calender goes to the text box when the user clicks the desired date. If there is no text in the text box, or the text is in incorrect format, the calender will start with today's date, and will display a brief message at the bottom of the calender.
Perpetual Calender from Brian GosselinJust what you see. Simple calendar with navigation buttons available.
Dynamic Calendar from Constantin Kuznetsov Jr.Looks handsome, but allows you to dynamically look up the calendar for any particular month/year. Just another dhtml calendar :)
Dynamic Calendar from Jason MoonAn extremely versatile DHTML calendar that's functional in IE4+ and NS6+.
Popup Calendar from Sev KotchnevVisual and interactive way of selecting and inputting date, rendering the job of your visitor reaching for a physical calendar to find out the date (whether for today's or otherwise) obsolete. Very practical use of DHTML.
Xin Calendar 2Xin Calendar 2 is a package of the In-Page and Popup-Window DHTML calendar scripts as well as some plug-in scripts for extra features. Provides plug-in features via mod scripts, including: dropdown lists to pick month and year, date ranges, open links from dates, styles for special dates, display date info, date tooltip and image tile background.
Javascript Calendar Date PickerJavaScript Calendar Date Picker control makes it easy to fill out the date/time fields for the website users by selecting the date and time from a popup calendar. All you'll need is just to add the date picker into your web application and it will work. No configuration is needed. It also gives you all the ability you need for developing the most complex modules.
Yahoo! UI Library: CalendarThe Calendar component is a UI control that enables users to choose one or more dates from a graphical calendar presented in a single month or multi month interface. Calendars are generated entirely via script and can be navigated without any page refreshes. You'll find the Calendar Control to be a useful and easy-to-implement enhancement to any date-selection interaction; you may also find that the Calendar's foundation classes are a good place to start for more complex interfaces that visually organize date-tagged information (like appointments, photos, events, etc.).
Date Picker Calendar from SixSideThis date picker code is free to use on your own website, the only requirement is that you add a link back to SixSide.com somewhere on your website. W3C compliant XHTML and CSS, works for various countries date formats, cross browser compatible.
Calendar class for MootoolsCalendar is a Javascript class that adds accessible and unobtrusive date-pickers to your form elements. Features: style-able and semantic XHTML, future/past calendar restrictions, highly configurable use of inputs and selects, multi-calendar support, multi-lingual and fancy date formatting.
Swazz Javascript CalendarFree javascript calendar, made as lightweight (only 6kb in size!) widget which shows a calendar for use in picking dates on form fields.
Start to Finish componentA Component to ease user experience in selecting a date range. Prototype framework usage needed.
Vista-like Ajax CalendarThe Vista-like Ajax Calendar (vlaCalendar) version 2 is a unobtrusive web version of the slick and profound Windows Vista taskbar calendar, by using the MooTools javascript framework, AJAX, XHTML, CSS and PHP.
Unobtrusive Date-Picker WidgetDatePicker is accessible using the keyboard, requires no embedded JavaScript blocks, uses no pop-up windows and is suitable for use within documents served as application/xhtml+xml. It’s free to use, even commercially. 16 languages currently available for this calender.
Ajax enabled online calendarAn Ajax enabled online calendar. Drag and drop events to change dates, drag the start/end of an event to create multi-day events, create and edit events without refreshing the page, all with an iCal style interface. This release now works in all major browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer). Monket Calendar is one of the only web based calendars can displays multi-day events spanning accross the days on which they occur.